Hi Guys, I want you to know and warn also the public of the presence of fake Crayola or crayon in the market today. Since back to school is nearly beware of this fake crayola. This is harmful to our children's.
This fake crayola are of interior quality and are not safe to use.
This fake crayola are of interior quality and are not safe to use.
Counterfeit crayola products are made of substandard raw materials and poor workmanship.
And to inform you all guys anyone caught selling, importing, or distributing fake Crayola (crayons) will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
And selling this fake Crayola products is violation of the Intellectual Property Law (R.A. 8293) and is punishable with imprisonment of 2 to 5 years and/or a fine of P50,000 to 200,000. This is only here in the Philippines don't know in other country.
Our government now here in philippines coordinating with the NBI, PNP and own private investigators for the apprehensions of all violators.
May 14, 2008 at 7:03 AM
i really hate these people who have been doing such BAD things for other people in order to earn but not legally.. and the one who was been victimized by their wrong actions was that brought by this stupid people....
and it just really petty to those who were been victimized...
my ym is redbutterfly_jf@yahoo.com, hope to see you there and chat with you sis