Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mothers Day.It is that special day of the year when we pay tribute to billions of women worldwide who, in bringing fort new life, risked their own, courageous women who have, within their powers, shielded us from harm in our young and carefree years. They the women who instilled values that have helped shape our positive attitudes, toward life, and by which many of us live today; women who in traditional communities, still sacrifice potential careers to care for their children's and their household; and women in modern community settings who perform the triple role of breadwinners, manager of their households, and their children's first mentors about life and morals.

Immeasurable is the love and care that mothers give. Their influence in our life transcends our childhood and poverty years. Our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, recognized this. It is no wonder why Filipinos regard their mothers fondly as the ''Ilaw ng tahanan''(light of the home), because of the wisdom, values, and moral guidance they provide to their children.

As we observe Mother's Day today let us accord our mothers time off from housework, bring them to a movie or a restaurant, buy them something they have always wanted and needed but had to put off buying in favor of our needs. In what ever manner we choose to convey our greetings to our mothers day, let us not forget to give them the warmest hug which is still the best way to make them feel how much they are loved and appreciated.


This cute story shows the love, sacrifices and caring of a mother recalled on mothers day. A Jewish saying goes:''God can not be everywhere so He created mothers''.

We Pray for all mothers----Living or dead, happy or unhappy, solo or widowed.

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