These are only few, these are my payments status on my blogvertise account, it is stated that I am paid already. But I never receive all these payments that are stated and shown on my Payments status. Not only all of these, I have many post already for the past year, that also stated paid but I wonder why and where they pay me ?I always check my Paypal account if the payments are stated there and if they really pay me through my Paypal account, but sad to say only few of their payments are stated on my Paypal account that Paypal was receive. Many are not really paid as it is stated in my blogvertise payments status. Below are some of my blogvertise payments status that stated and shown that it is paid already. General 07/06/201008/05/2010 $ _Paid
. General 06/23/201007/23/2010 $ _Paid
. General 05/12/201006/11/2010 $ _Paid
. General 03/24/201004/23/2010 $_Paid
. General 03/22/201004/21/2010 $_Paid
. General 03/01/201003/31/2010 $- Paid
. $ _Paid
. General 02/09/201003/11/2010 $ _Paid
. General 02/09/201003/11/2010 $ _Paid
. General 02/08/201003/10/2010$ _Paid
. General 02/08/201003/10/2010 $ _Paid
. General12/17/200901/16/2010 $ _Paid
All of these are not really paid, I never receive these kind of payments through my Paypal account. I was wondering why, If they really pay my post already why I never receive an emails from them (blogvertise) that stated their payment sent to paypal so that I can see the details Like IZEA. INC. did to all of their payments to their blogger members. Like, if they sent me a payment to my post they sent me an email stated that I am paid already through paypal and I can check the details through my paypal account.Also Paypal sent an email to me stated the details about the payments they receive from IZEA.
Blogvertise is not, I don't know if I paid already, so to know it I always check my payments status on my blogvertise account, If, it is stated and shown that I already paid, I emmediately check my Paypal if the details are there, but I don't see the details, and as far as I know if Paypal receives payments they sent also an email to the recipient stating the transaction details.So meaning they really not paid my post, their payment status shown that my post is paid are not really true, they lie to me. I already sent a message to them, hope they fix these problem.Not only now they are doing this to me, I have many post does not really paid as what stated on my payments status account, only now I am com-plaining because I can't endure already their lies. Anybody encounter these kind of problem on Blogvertise account?