
''Your no good for everything'' Have you ever been told this?
''I'm Ugly''
''I'm no good at sports. Not good in school either,''
''How can anyone love me? I'm not worth it!''
Have you ever thought this?
K guy's looked in the mirror and wish you were someone else? If you answer yes, your in the majority. Probably everyone who has ever lived wished that they could change at least one thing about themselves: their nose, their height, their personality-- something.

Looks, Money, Possessions, Popularity. They all have one thing in common; they're not guaranteed. Even if we have them, they're all temporary. When our self worth relies on the outward aspects of our life, happiness and fulfilment will always be short lived.

True worth can only be measured by seeing ourselves through God our creators eyes. How much value does he place on your life? Did you know that God loves you just as much as he loves his own son Jesus! You can't get any more valuable than that! Check it out.....

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