The flag of the U.S

The 50-star flag of the United States was raised for the first time officially at 12:01 a.m .on July 4,1960,at fort McHenry National Monument in Baltimore,Md.The 50th star had been added for Hawaii; a year earlier the 49th,for Alaska.Before that,no star had been added since 1912,when N.M.and ariz.were admitted to the Union.

History of the Flag

The true history of the star and Stripes has become so cluttered by a volume of myth and tradition that the facts are difficult ,and in some cases impossible,to establish.For example,it is not certain who designed the Star and Stripes,who made the first such flag,or even weather it ever flew in any sea fight or land battle of the American Revolution.

One thing all agree on is that the Star and Stripes originated as the result of a resolution offered by the marine Committee of the second Continental Congress at Philadelphia and adopted June 14,1777.It read:

Resolved:that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes,alternate red and white;that the union be thirteen star,white in a blue field,representing a new constellation.

Congress gave no hint as to the designer of the flag,no instruction as to the arrangement of the star,and no information on its appropriate uses.historians have been unable to find the original flag law.The resolution establishing the flag was not even publishing until Sept.2 1777.Despite repeated request,Washington did not get the flag until 1783,after the Revolutionary War was over.And there is no certainty that they were the Star and Stripes.

The Statue of Liberty, New York, U.S.A.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the American people From the people of France. It was made by the Frence sculpture, Frederic Auguste Bartholde, to celebrate the one hundredth anneversary of American independent.

The statue is called ''Liberty Enlightening the World''.It shows the figure of a woman in flowing robes, standing among broken chains. She is holding a torch in her uplifted right hand. In her left hand is a law book on which is inscribed''July 4, 1776,''the date of the American declaration of Independence. A light shines out from the torch and the statue is floodlit at night.

And more to know guys this statue weihgs 225 tones and it measures 46 meters high to the top of the torch. It stands on a pedestal, or base which rises 47 metrs from the ground. You know that thousands of people visit the Statue of Liberty every year. An elevator inside takes visitors to the bottom of the statue. They walk up 168 steps inside the statue to the head, where they can look out.

On a plaque at the entrance to the statue are verses by the American poet, Emma Lazarus. They read in part:

Give me your tired,your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breaht free,
The wretched refuse of your
teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
tempest-tossed to me,
I left my lamp beside the golden door.
Its very great Guy's....The smile pockets a rattling controversy.

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Making The Home

Making the Home functional and beautiful is a responsibility of every member of the family. This responsibility becomes difficult when all the family members are pre-occupied with many things outside the home. Therefore, it is necessary that the house and everything in it is arranged in every functional manner and in a way that will make cleaning and caring easier.


There are times when you do things by force of habit. Habits are not at all bad. In fact, they are important and quite useful. They spare you of having to think about every single thing you do everyday. However, habits could be disastrous sometimes. Suppose you are used to studying your lessons as soon as you get home from school. Unluckily, there is a new brownout schedule in your place which falls exactly on your study time. This gives you a hard time adjusting, but you have no choice except to develop a new habit a new plan of action.

Planning Meals To Fit The Family

When planning meals for the family, the needs of each family member should be considered. The special needs of the children, the pregnant mother and the elderly can be easily provided for by modifying a little the basic menus. Planning will enable the homemaker to serve with minimum preparation. yet, nutritious and attractive. Choose preparations that are easy to digest for children and the elderly, such as broiled, roasted and steamed. They are more suitable for all ages.

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