Hi, to Everyone Specially to all my co blogger. Its been long time that I was not here. Since now I have a little time to post here I would like first to Greet everyone even though its late. But even late its better than never di ba? he,,,, he..... he.....
May all of us have a great vacation last Christmas season. And Happy New Year to All.........Just a short message only because as of now I don't know what to do in our life now, were full of trials and circumstances since I have no work beginning last month of July 2008 until now. But am still looking forward that one day God will give us blessings like I can have work again. Hope so ....God please grant my prayer....
Hi to Madel mads sorry to bother you always... Hope your in Good health and wealth ....Happy New Year to all of your family circle and to all of my friends here in blogoshere. Sorry not to mention your names co'z if I mention it takes me a long running time sa dami ninyo. Bye to everyone hope to here you soon If God will let my family recover of what we have now.I feel very bad and its very hard to recover. Please also pray for us .......